26 September 2007

The Scope of this Blog

It occurred to me that I all but defined the reasoning behind this endeavor. Simply put, it was an ingenious idea that I'm unable to take credit for; instead, it was a friend of mine who had the inkling. He — after having watched my recovery resemble more of a party — concluded that I had a rather obvious Achilles' heel: the most problematic issue surrounding my addiction was having to admit to others that I had failed. This was then, and as painful as it was, I still managed to relapse quite frequently. The idea here is to introduce a much higher dose of negative feedback. Instead of admitting to a few choice individuals, I will now literally be admitting my failures to all ends of the world. It may be a breeze at first, but I have some fairly persistent friends that will ensure that this site is advertised in just about any way possible. Consequently, my audience of four — which felt large at the time — will increase exponentially. The internet is an amazing thing.

Now you may be thinking that I will simply gloss over periods of relapse to avoid the embarrassment. THIS SIMPLY IS NOT TRUE. I am one of the most honest people that most know (or so I've been told) and good news or not, only the entire truth will be parsed through this forum. It has been resolved that this will become a major facet of my life; that I will spend many hours per week working on this. I believe that in doing so, I will be able to improve my life and finally tell the monkey on my back goodbye.

So, where am I at right now? Read on to the next post to find out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah man i have faith in you. Just don't cheat us out of any details and be truthful and 100% honest. If nothing more you will feel better about your self. Maybe not right away or as your writing the shit but down the road and after its written you will feel relief. If nothing else maybe somewhere on the net an addict will see this page and in some way or another it will help them deal with there addiction.