01 October 2007

Status Report: 29-30 September 2007

I didn't abandon the blog, guys; instead, I have been spending an inordinate amount of time figuring out how I should break the latest news to everyone.

For those who haven't yet figured it out, I relapsed on Saturday.

I blame no one but myself. I am clearly not prepared enough to keep making these attempts at sobriety. I have been doing this exact same thing for the last few years. It is evident that I — although I'd like to think otherwise — am unable to do this using my current strategy.

My approach thus far has been to avoid old people (such as those that I would use with or dealers) and places (areas in which I got high in the past or areas where I would meet up with dealers to obtain what I needed). Then, this last go around, I set up this blog hoping that this too would be another deterrent — and it has been to an extent. Obviously — as demonstrated by this last relapse and countless others — this is not enough for me.

Reading through the comments that many of you have provided (THANKS GUYS!), it has become apparent that I need to re-establish some type of support group routine. Furthermore, I need to find a sponsor whom I could contact in times of need. Recently, this seems to be happening all too frequently. Each dramatic event has me scurrying away to find relief. Most times I am able to (internally) talk myself down, but others the emotional pain is just too much for me. These are the times when I seem to go into auto-pilot and make that phone call. It has become so routine that it is comparable to ordering take-out.

"Yo man."
"What's up? What do you need?"

On a lot of days, as few as ten minutes later, I can have it in hand ready to go. Many people think that because I do not have a car that I can no longer get drugs. That's funny. I still seem to be getting them. I wish THEY were right. I wish it were impossible to get drugs without a vehicle. But, as with most 'businesses', they exist solely to appease to the customer. Home delivery is not uncommon. In fact, it isn't even a problem most times. They'd just as soon drive to you to keep you one of their customers (read: addicted). It simply is too easy sometimes. In many ways these operations are no different than any other business, aside from their legality.

Ironically, in many areas, Heroin is sold in branded baggies. They will market and sell different bags stamped with logos indicating the different brands. This creates the same brand-loyalty that you will find with common products such as soda, fast food and vehicles. Word spreads fast throughout the streets. On one day, one bag may be equivalent to buying a BMW in terms of quality. This sets buyers up for the inevitable bait-and-switch that is much too common. Dealers will sell a particularly high-quality product for a set time. Once this brand has gained street credibility it is replaced with a lower quality product. This is a common tactic that increases the profits of the sellers in two ways; first, it sells the low-quality product which invariably leads the buyer to having to then purchase a second bag to compensate for the diminished quality. These types of activities indicate above-average intelligence in reference to the seller. Imagine if these people had channeled their energy into something more productive.

I did not use on Sunday, despite an extreme spike in my craving. I resisted temptation and made it through the day.

I plan to soon attend a 12-step meeting soon, though. There, I will seek out a sponsor; someone demonstrative of a strong willingness to help, a long duration of sobriety time and someone who I feel I could easily relate to. It is evident that I need to strengthen my support system as it simply is not working as is.


Unknown said...

Man that sucks to here you relapsed. You where doing so good i am proud of you. NA really dose help start going to meetings if you can. I would go to like 4 a week when i first started out.. It gets easier the more you go because you get to know the regulars and all the people and feel a lot more comfortable. You just got to be 100% honest and don't bullshit your self. I know your willing but you got to be open minded and Honest for NA to work for you. Find a sponsor and start getting peoples numbers that you can call for support its kind of like a safety net the more people and numbers you have the better off you will be when shit hits the fan and you fill like using. You will have a big safety net of people you can call and talk to. Also i am told working the steps helps but you got to get a sponsor first. I have worked step one so far its fucking hard too just to be totally honest and admit all the shit. Once you do and share it with your sponsor you will feel so great it like a new relief has been lifted off your shoulders. http://groups.msn.com/LastHouseOnTheBlock/
has a lot of NA material I have used that site quite often. I think i have read almost every page on the site. Read over the basic text helped me at first to understand that i truly was an addict and that there is hope for people like us. Anyway man this is a pretty long comment but its just because i truly do care about you. I have known you for a good while now. Your smart as hell and you would have a lot of great things going for you if you could just stay sober and break the addiction. Just keep fighting man don't give up hope. 90% of addicts relapse so it not uncommon or strange at all. Just read http://groups.msn.com/LastHouseOnTheBlock/chapterone1.msnw
Its describes us perfectly. Also this is good too. http://groups.msn.com/LastHouseOnTheBlock/chapterthree1.msnw
I think you might have the basic text if so just read some of it man because these urls i posted are straight out of the basic text. Anyway man just keep working at it don't give up hope. This blog has helped some and it has given other people hope. Just take things one day at a time.

Unknown said...

It cut my links off i am gonna repost them here.

I had to do it like that because i guess the links are too long and it cuts them off.

diariesofanaddict said...

Yeah, man. I used to go to NA/AA meetings when I was required to do so... I haven't been in years and it scares the HELL out of me! I am so afraid to go alone, yet I know I have to do it to save my life.

Thanks for being there like you have; you don't know how much it means to me, bro. I consider you to be a great friend... and you've stuck with me through thick and thin. It's hard to find people like that in this life.

How do you recommend getting over the whole fear of going? Before, I had others there with me (as I was in rehab...). Alone is just such a scary thought!

Unknown said...

Thanks man I consider you a good friend also. You have been there for me on things also. Your kind of like the big bro i never had sort of.. When i got into drugs you warned me and told me not to fuck with heroin. You gave me examples of what it had done to you and how bad it truly was. You painted a pretty clear picture in my mind didn't sugar coat it or bullshit me and make it seem worse than what it was. You just gave me the straight facts and how you felt along with a few warnings. Yeah you didn't save me from doing drugs or becoming addicted to other drugs but you did save me from doing one of the hardest drugs known to man and following or going down the same road that you have traveled. Most addicts are not bad people and that just proves it right there. Yeah man first going to the meetings is scary as hell. I still remember it felt i had like 1,000 butterfly's in my stomach. They say if you feel that way then you know your in the right place. I would recommend for you first few times to just go to a open meeting there more anonymous and you don't have to say much or talk at all. I know around here most the meetings are open meetings anyway. All i can say is the more you go the easier it gets because you begin to grow and get to know what i call the regulars the people who go all the time the ones that really work their program and who have years clean time. Its good to get a sponsor right away too. They will help introduce you to people and there sponses. Most addicts are the same Loners,self centered and isolated. I was very much a loner and kept myself isolated but the more i went to meetings and got to know people and listen and learned the easter it became for me to open up and actshuly talk. You just got a realize everyone of them people have gone through the same shit or worse. They came to NA for the same reason you have because you have hit your rock bottom and want to learn to live a new way of life. No one is there to judge you and no one is better than you. Everyone there is to help and support each other find new ways to deal with life's problems with out using. They are all tools that you can use to help yourself. I was told if i was too scared to go alone or needed support to bring a close friend with me who really cared about me. I thought about doing that my close friend offered to but then i kind of though well he doesn't really understand whats going on hes not an addict and has never used drugs. Plus i deiced if he was there it might kind of distract me because the hole time i would be thinking i wonder what my friend is thinking ect. I don't know i guess either way really works as long as you just focus on your recovery you have to do this for your self not for anyone else but your self you got to be kind of self centered in your recovery like you was in drugs. They tell me well you would search the hole town or do whatever it would take to find dope. so you should take that same energy and apply to your recovery. Its hard to do because there no instant rewards or anything but in the end there is a big reward freedom from addiction no longer need or wanting to use drugs. Being able to reclaim your life having some stability in your life. Learning to live life like everyone else and be "normal" and happy again with out using drugs.